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no shower blog
Wednesday, 3 November 2004
ghost at 烏山頭
Topic: daily life
oh, i almost forgot..
today, after eating 牛肉燴飯的lunch,我們看到maxine在烏山頭水庫自己走路.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:48 PM WST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:18 AM WST
new additions
Topic: daily life
new additions to the family:
1. Zuma- from taipei
2. pig- from doll-grabbing machine(夾娃娃, NT$400).
3. the other seal- from doll-grabbing machine(夾娃娃, NT$30).
4. bird- from Watson's (區塵氏).

new vocabulary words for www:
1. "breast attack"
2. pervert
3. human milk
4. hula dance (from pompompurin)
5. catsup, refrigerator,
6. miss texwood
7. so many other words i don't remember
8. nipple/pacifier
9. PINKTRIX-- invented by www... (pinktrix.. as opposed to the black-clad characters in the Matrix.)

funny things to remember always:
1. Merrell shoes
2. Mulan movie soundtrack
3. 燒鍋

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:45 PM WST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:18 AM WST
what did we do for the past few months
Topic: daily life
because i haven't updated this blog in months, i'm just going to list what www and me have been up to during the months of august-october.

the moron bird died.

1. i came back on the third week of august.
2. www is taking driving lessons.
3. i stayed over in www's house.
4. we went to taipei zoo, 九份 and 基隆 with carol, carol's sister, GB, little Rabbit, a-book, and poham.
5. we cooked very hard rice, and very hard potatoes in the old dorm's 3rd floor kitchen.
6. got many gifts from www when i came back.

1. www took and passed her driving exam with flying colors!!
2. we moved to the new dorm during the rainiest week of the month.
3. school started, zzzzzzz...
4. we shopped in Tesco till past midnight with alex and zani.
5. tnca is now tnnua, with a new website and new e-mail addresses.
6. went with zani to tainan to have a haicut.
7. www bought a green Wally shirt with big buttons. one of the big buttons came off in the washing machine a few days ago.

1. www and i now each have refrigerators in our rooms.
2. i visited www in tainan, david drove. we went to tesco again and bought lots and lots of food. then we went to 燦坤 and looked at the cheap dual-layer dvd burners that david wanted to buy.
3. we went back to tainan a week later with zani and david but this time we took the train. they bought the dvd burners.
we rented scooters and the fuel gauge (油表) was almost empty. zani and david made it around tainan city adding only NT$10. www and i were suckers and added NT$20.
4. for some reason i don't remember, (i think it was david wanting to buy books), we went back to tainan city again the day after.
5. www and i went to 愛買 and there was a raffle (抽獎) promo for those who purchased things more than 2,000. we were eligible to buy necklaces. anyway, to make a long story short, it was a scam.
6. www and i ate SPAM!
7. there was the very busy 數位論談.
8. we went to 高雄.
9. www's friend carol came on oct 31. 他們有抓到青蛙.
10. we found out that we could do sand animation with the quality of the water we get from the new dorms' water dispensers. *sarcasm*
that's why we have to run to the old dorm (but with newer water dispensing machines) to fill up our water bottles every time.
11. the school is getting "blacker".. (越來越黑.)
脫水也要投 2dollars!!
12. www有跟校長在藝像拍照, also Oktobor 公司的人.
13. 可怕的colin又回來了.
14. 我們的宿舍要弄新的電表,搞得房間很亂.
15. www 有 450watts 的新power supply 和 160GB 的 硬碟.

1. 昨天我了翹可怕的colin的課. 我們吃了可怕的pizza house的義大利麵.真的是可怕的一天.可是還好pizza house有送我飲料.
2. new birkenstock shoes for www.
3. ran off to tainan city and saw the ugly side of certain classmates.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:44 PM WST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:18 AM WST
went to lung-tien just for groceries at 9pm tonight
Now Playing: 木棉花-- by www
Topic: daily life
wow, tripod blogs 現在可以顯示中文了ㄜ,好神奇喔.以前在tripod blogs打中文都會出亂碼.

we had spaghetti, some tomatoes, some apples, some papayas (木瓜), and some cucumber with French vinaigrette for the salads.

我們前天晚上 (monday) out of the blue 的想去台南. 我們犯了錯誤 in inviting our other classmates because when we came back ruby 好像很不開心. www跟我不太喜歡他跟www講話的沒禮貌的方式.

www 跟我星期六去高雄玩. www終於買到了一雙跛肯鞋 .


明天又有攝影課. zzz...

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:01 PM WST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:18 AM WST
Tuesday, 8 June 2004
time sure flies fast
Topic: daily life
It's another Tuesday again. A week has flown by since last Tuesday. Last Tuesday afternoon www took me to Tainan City by train on a spur-of-the-moment decision to buy a new computer case. thanks baby! we came home with a beautiful, tasteful case (none of those scary monsters cases are decorated with these days) that has a glowing front panel.
www helped me pick it out after so many trips to other stores. thanks for your patience. thanks also for helping me lug that heavy case around.
wednesday everyone went to the party but i was sick so i didn't go.
thursday evening we assembled the computer.
friday morning i injured my foot. we went to get breakfast during a lull in the pixilation shoot and a scooter nicked my foot.
the whole friday www helped me take care of my foot. i'm a little better now.
saturday to yesterday night was spent cramming and rushing our final group projects.
i didn't go to stop-motion class today because i was too tired.

www wore her cute TREE shirt today.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 4:58 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:20 AM WST
Friday, 28 May 2004
Topic: daily life
i spent the night at www's house yesterday. we just got back around an hour ago. tonight i managed to spill vinegar and carrot+apple juice on myself. wonderful.
i have a bad cold.
i really had a good time at www's place. thank you.
thanks for staying up till 4:30a.m. to help me to translate Norman's stuff. =)

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:17 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:20 AM WST
Tuesday, 25 May 2004
bad memory
Topic: daily life
when i finally have the time to write here and get the chance to do so, i never remember what i set out to write. it really sucks.
and then most of the time i'm thinking of so many things to put here, but at that time i'm not at the computer, or i'm busy doing something else, etc. etc..
and when i finally get a chance to, i don't remember all those things i want to say.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 6:51 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:20 AM WST
Topic: daily life
right now i'm in the library test-driving the new computers. hmm seems pretty fast although i don't know why they're running Windows 2000 when it's may 25, 2004 already. the setup's a P4 2.6ghz computer with like 256MB of RAM (although i only saw 220+ in the Control Panel. but i'm guessing 256.)
time really passes by so fast. anyway there's only three more weeks left of school before my first year in Graduate School is over. i'll have to go home for the summer and it's going to be a major hassle and annoyance but i really can't do anything about it.
anyway today i didn't go to lunch with my classmates because i was feeling a little tired and there were too many people and it's impossible we would fit in GB's little Escudo.
Our last homework for stop-motion is a group exercise. we're supposed to use pixilation and base it on a song. just a one-minute part of a song. i wanna use an Interpol song but i doubt that's going to happen.
i try not to think about things all of the time and be less serious. but sometimes it's impossible because i have to face the facts. i always feel time is running out, and what have i done worthwhile during this time? mostly nothing.
i haven't gained the level of skill one would expect of someone after a year in graduate school. no skill, no craft, no talent gained/ learned in that year. i am more or less at the same level i was last may 25, 2003.
i love www. today www wore her "Her Story" t-shirt to class. she looked really cute. she's like a fuzzy bear but she's not fat. her face is really round though. so fun to squeeze and play with.
www listens to the stuff i say, even though most of it is crap. www makes me feel safe.
vote Democrat for 2004! vote WWW!
(the last line is a joke. www hates politics.)

Posted by noshowerfamily at 6:47 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:21 AM WST
Topic: daily life
it's been raining the past few days, and a lot of us have gotten sick.
www has a bad cold. poor girl.
but she's lucky because her WACOW (wacom drawing tablet) finally arrived. congratulations to my baby!
oh what else, last friday went to kaohsiung with classmates. www didn't go because she had to go home.
we ate lots of stuff. www said i got fat.
so much work is piling up. time is flying really fast. how do i slow it down?
www and i spent this afternoon sleeping. the whole bloody afternoon.
we finally finished our voice recording project for stop motion class.
i'm a little worried we won't finish our group project stuff.
so much worries about school work.
gotta live life more.
okay, i'm going to go down and hug my cute girlfriend now.
for just these few minutes before sleeping, i'm going to try to forget that May is fast slipping into June.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 4:02 AM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:21 AM WST
Tuesday, 18 May 2004
not yet started on paola's homework
Topic: daily life
it's 1:22am and i haven't taken a shower, nor have i done paola's homework.
sorry www about breaking the eggs this afternoon, and other assorted mishaps i did today and the past days.
the past week flew by really fast. i think it's because we only had one day of class last week, Norman's class. we didn't have group project class on monday or stop motion on tuesday because the teachers were in taipei.
i can't believe half of may has gone by. it's May 18 already. the way time slips by is so scary. i try to live each day as slow as i can, enjoying each moment i'm with www. but most of the time i just end up sleeping in her arms. i want to be able to do more, eat out with you more, take photos, any activity. but somehow i just end up sleeping and sleeping and letting time fleet by.
wake up- class- eat- sleep- class- and then it's nighttime already. where does the time go?

right now time is flying by while i sit here not yet doing paola's homework because i don't know how to work SoundForge because i'm stupid. i'm procrastinating because i don't want to face the fact that i'm incompetent. i wanna pretend to myself i did a bad job because there's no time, not because i don't know how to do the job.

i'm gonna drink Mr Brown later.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 2:27 AM JST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:21 AM WST

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