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no shower blog
Friday, 17 December 2004
Topic: daily life
www solved the case of the missing Little Blue! (little 128MB USB mp3 player). the USB mp3 flash player disappeared from the digital center two days ago. today www asked 陳老師 if she could watch the surveillance tapes (監視錄影機路下來的東西). and www caught the thief!
the bad thing is the thief isn't a student. it's a foreign guest. we can't say who because 陳老師said to keep it private. anyway he's going to talk to the guy who invited the guest to try to straighten out the business.
the funny thing is how the thief stole the mp3 player. i actually thought he just got it by mistake. but actually he had a very clever way of slipping it into his pocket.
he got ed to go behind the computer and plug in his own usb flash drive (to print some document). and while ed isn't looking, he covered my mp3 player with an A4 paper and slipped it into his pocket real fast. so weird.
i'm not even mad because the thing wasn't that expensive. i just feel the whole thing is weird.
today we went to the 六甲夜市 after a long long time of not going. we rode in poham's car. zani drove. we went with a book, a yao and tin.

Posted by noshowerfamily at 11:42 PM WST
Updated: Sunday, 27 November 2005 3:12 AM WST

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